Download Surah Ar-Rahman Mp3 - Recitation of The Gracious Chapter by Various Reciters
There is a difference of opinion whether this is a Makki or Madni surah, with more opinion in favor of considering it as a Madni surah.This surah is named after one of the names of Allaah (SWT), The Most Merciful, with which this surah begins. The recurring verse in this surah addresses both men and jinn, the former created from clay and the latter from smokeless fire, asking them if they can deny any of the favors of Allaah (SWT).
surah ar rahman mp3 download
The Holy Quran surah Ar-Rahman Humbled recitation of the chapter of Ar-Rahman in the voice of reciter Mishari Al-afasi For direct listening and MP3 download in high quality and with one direct link .
The sura ar-Rahman is a Medinan surah. It composes 78 verses. Its classification order in the Holy Quran is the number 55. In the order of revelation, it ranks 97. There is no verse of prostration in this surah. Click on the Sheikh of your choice to listen to or download his surah recitation of The Merciful in mp3 format. In total, 23 reciters are listed below.